How do I use Apiary?
The Apiary centres around a key innovation: Hives. Hives are a liquid wrapper of Beradrome voting power which are used to fulfil the wishes of the Queen Bee.
Beras can participate in Hives by providing oBERO tokens in exchange for Hive tokens representing their addition to the Hive. Don't worry, every Hive will have a different token symbol and name so you'll be able to tell your Hives apart.
There are 2 types of user who will be active in every Hive:
The Queen Bee - The Creator of the Hive who direct voting power and sets rewards.
Beras - Users who deposit oBERO tokens into a Hive in pursuit of yield.
We figure that most Beras will be looking to simplify their exposure to Beradrome, so lets start by walking through how
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